Reliable Standard Cleaning Service in Charlotte, NC

House Cleaning You Can Trust!

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We Get It - You’re Busy.

At EasyClean, we take care of the everyday cleaning so you don’t have to. Our standard cleaning services in Charlotte, NC cover all the basics and then some. Whether you’re tidying up for company or just want a cleaner home, we’re here to help. You don't have to compromise your time for a clean home.

Here are some of the tasks we cover:

  • Mopping floors
  • Disinfecting the bathroom
  • Vacuuming carpet
  • Wiping and disinfecting countertops
  • Dusting furniture
  • Emptying trash

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Why Choose Us?

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Family Owned and Trusted by Your Neighbors

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Experienced Cleaners You Can Rely On

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Safe, Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Our Recent Cleaning Services

We make your space feel new again.

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